Joakim Noah fined 50K for slur.

So am I the only one irritated by this.  Seriously, NBA!  You fined this man 50k for reacting to a fan that had been (in all probability) harrassing him all night.  What was done to the fan?  Was he ejected from the arena?The message the NBA is sending to fans is that the purchasing of a ticket gives him/her license to harrass players.  Not right at all. 


ELIXIR said...

There's a slight double standard in place. 50k is a lot, that's like his whole playoff check but players know the camera is on them at all times. The only way we know if the fan is saying something that crosses the line is if someone else tells on him, not likely.

I wonder if that fan gets any part of that 50k or something like season tix for next season. If so, Im harassing whoever can hear me from the nose bleed section next season!!

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